Common questions and help about PromptPuzzles.

Prompt Puzzles are jigsaw puzzles, but with a twist—the image is AI-generated and the box doesn't show you what you're making before you start, only the prompt used to generate the image. It challenges you to think like the AI did, and follow the same prompt to put the image together piece by piece.

We use AI image generation to create the images with the exact prompts shown on our boxes. We loved so many of the results, we had to offer multiple options for many of the puzzles, so players can also enjoy watching all these beautiful computer creations come to life just like we did.

That is part of the mystery! With traditional puzzles, the top of the box shows you what to follow. We are big puzzle fans, and we wanted more of a challenge. Generative AI provided the ideal way to create a new kind of puzzle, that challenged your mind in a whole new way. By following only a text prompt, you are tasked to build the image piece by piece, without knowing the final product in advance. Just like the AI image generator tool did to build the same image you are.

PromptPuzzle.ai was created together in partnership by Plural, a doer's hub, and the community, a multicultural marketing and creative agency, and part of Publicis Groupe.

If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your PromptPuzzle, we apologize and would like to help solve your issue. Unfortunately we do not take returns, but if you would like to request a refund, please reach out to us at help@promptpuzzle.ai, and include your order number in the email subject line.